HS710: Consumer Psychology


Prof. Azizuddin Khan


This course will introduce you to Consumer Behavior which is an applied discipline rooted in other social sciences, you will be exposed to multiple concepts, frameworks and theories. The course is understandably theoretical in nature but there is focus to merge with practical applications as well. You will be also exposed to recent developments in the various areas of consumer behavior.



Course Content and Structure

This course can be categorized into three parts as follows:

1) The first part deals with consumers’ basic psychological processes. It explores how concepts like perception, intrinsic motivation, learning, memory, feelings, and attitudes help us understand consumer behavior.

2) Part 2 investigates social processes. It investigates how social factors affect consumers’ decision making: How much do consumers search and evaluate alternatives? Which criteria do they use to make their choices? How do consumers feel after making a choice? How do reference groups and family influence a consumer’s decision-making process?

3)The last part aims to explore the interaction between the consumer and multiple social and cultural influences. How do culture (e.g. individualistic, materialistic, collectivistic, etc.), and sub-cultural aspects bias consumer behavior? Also, basic concepts related to experimental and quasi-experimental research will be discussed throughout the course.


2 Quizzes (10%) + Midsem (20%) + Endsem (50%) + Project & Research Work (20%)

Feedback on lectures, tutorials and exams

The professor is very enthusiastic and encourages discussion during lectures and attending lectures is also necessary to answer questions in exams as the slides are not sufficient. The course is in general chill and you can perform well with some efforts. The project is to be done in a group of three and the topics are related to various areas of consumer behavior. You could keep the project theoretical or practical. It is quite interesting and you get sufficient time to submit the project report. But it is better to start working on your project early so that you can make the most out of it. Exams were all single correct MCQ based with +1(-0.25) marking. Reading the reference book also helps a lot.


Not compulsory

Difficulty level


Grading Stats

AA: 5
AB: 10
AU: 1
BB: 17
BC: 7
CC: 3
CD: 2
DD: 1
Total: 46


1. Consumer Behavior (Schiffman and Kanuk; 2004)
2. Consumer Behavior (Leon G., Schiffman, Joe, Wisenblit, Ramesh Kumar 2018)
3. Consumer Behavior and Managerial Decision Making (Kardes, Frank R. 2002) – (Optional)

We thank Samyak Vishal Jain for sharing the course review.

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