ENT 206: Developing a Proof-of-Concept – Advanced

Professor when you took the course: Prof. P Kumaresan

Disclaimer: I had done this course in the Spring 2020 when the semester was suspended in March due to Covid-19. Hence the course review might not entail the wholesome course details.

Motivation behind the course: I took this course as an institute elective. There were 2 reasons I took the course. Firstly, I really like the professor. I knew that because I had done ENT204 under him in the previous semester. He is really inclined to bring the creativity out of students rather than focusing on grades. Secondly, the course is about bringing a idea to reality by creating a product. I really wanted to do something innovative hence opted for the course. Lastly, the grading was chill as well.

Pre-requisites: Officially, one has to do ENT204, the basic PoC course in order to take this course but I have seen many students taking just ENT206. The professor is okay with and you will not get any problem while registration individually for this course without doing ENT204.

Course Description: The whole course is summed up in a project. You have to make a team among yourselves (there is no cap on no. of members). Then you need to identify a problem that you want to solve by making a product. The solution has to be a simple physical product which can be made and sold within the course timeline. You will also receive some financial aid in making the product if you can convince the professor that yours is a good idea. There are time to time lectures every Wednesday to guide the teams and get hold on some important concepts related to design thinking. Mentors in form of PhD students are also allotted to help out in case of any problems. You can also use all the labs of IDC such as 3D printing, glass cutting, etc. for project purposes.

Course Evaluation: Majority part of the evaluation was based on the project. There’s no specific criteria for evaluation but is completely professor dependent. More unique the idea & product, better the evaluation. Also, there’s some weightage to attendance as well with a strict DX policy.

Difficulty Level: 2/5 (in terms of grading & content). The course is really chill if you are interested in creating some new products and bringing out the creativity inside of you.

We thank “Raj Savla” for providing the course review!