CL 678: Techno-Commercial Aspects of Fine Chemical Industry


Prof. Sanjay Mahajani and Prof. Rahul Nabar


I did the course CL-323 which is also taken by Prof. Sanjay Mahajani and Prof. Rahul Nabar. The course was very much informative in the sense that it provided the complete outlook of the chemical industry. The course content did not contain core engineering principles but how the whole chemical industry worked. So, I was sure that 678 would definitely offer something on similar lines as also suggested by its name. This course was a perfect mix of some technical concepts and the commercial/managerial aspects of the industry.


None, but they preferred students who had completed CL-323

Course Content and Structure

Overview of F&S Chemicals industry sectors: AGROCHE MICALS, FLAVORS AND FRAGRANCES, DYES AND PIGMENTS, SURFACTANTS, POLYMER ADDITIVES, PERSONAL CARE INGREDIENTS, CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS, WATER CHEMICAL S, TEXTILE CHEMICALS Manufacturing Practices: Introduction, Catalysis, S electivity Engineering, Separation processes, Process Development. Commercial Aspects: Introduction to the market (wit h special focus on Indian Industry), market size and growth, Key success factors, trends , Indian Companies in this sector, Future outlook.


There are assignments, surprise quizzes, midsems, project, and endsems. The project presentations, quizzes and assignments possess around 60% weightage. Endsem and midsem each have a 20% weightage.

Feedback on lectures, tutorials and exams

There are no tutorials. The lectures are quite interesting as Professors encourage discussions during the class. Also, there are many of guest lectures throughout the course which provide insights into the industry from experts. This might be one of the courses where content is so interesting that it makes you attend all the lectures and pay attention all the time. Exams are objective and you need to remember everything single details that was taught along with all the concepts to be able to answer all the questions.


Attendance was compulsory, class interactions were noted by Professor and considered while giving final grades.

Difficulty level


Grading Stats

AA 9
AB 12
AU 1
BB 7
BC 3
CC 2
DD 1
FF 3
II 1



We thank ” Anshuman Singh Rathore” for this review

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